The only permanent way to conserve your land from future development is with a conservation easement!
What is a Conservation Easement? – A conservation easement is a voluntary legal agreement between a landowner and a qualified organization, such as a land trust, that limits certain uses of the land – like large-scale subdivisions – in order to conserve the natural and traditional values of the land. Landowners grant conservation easements to protect the resources of their property while retaining the rights of private ownership. Granting a conservation easement does not mean that the landowner must grant public access to his or her property. The terms of the conservation easement represent a mutual agreement between the landowner and the Land Trust.
So why conserve your land with a conservation easement? – Landowners protect their land with a conservation easement for many reasons. Common reasons include: helping pass the family land to future generations and family members, gaining peace of mind that the land’s special features will be protected forever, financial benefits for you and your heirs– potential reduction in taxes (income, estate and property). Your tax attorney, accountant and local Land Trust can tell you more about specific tax benefits.
Conserving your land has other benefits for you and the community you live in. By conserving your land you are helping to protect groundwater supplies, habitat for indigenous plant and animal species, scenic vistas and, in the case of farmland, local food production. All of these reasons contribute to an enhanced quality of life for all.
- The Land Trust Alliance – Private Land Conservation
- The Trust for Public Land – The Economic Benefits of Land Conservation
- Testimonials from land owners that have conserved their land with North Branch Land Trust and other Pennsylvania land trusts
Looking for more resources on conserving your land?
Woodland Management
PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources: Managing Your Woods
“More than 70 percent of the woodlands in Pennsylvania are owned privately. With the proper instruction, tools, and technical assistance, these landowners can manage their land in ways that enhance wood production and recreation, protect water, and benefit wildlife. Making wise and informed decisions on how to manage land helps conserve the natural resources of Pennsylvania and ensures that forests are resilient and able to withstand future changes.”
PA DCNR can connect you with Service and Consulting Foresters.
Pennsylvania Sustainable Forestry Initiative
“Our purpose is to promote wise forest stewardship, enabling Pennsylvania communities to thrive through a successful forest products industry. We work hard to support business operations by training and developing the logger workforce, educating the public about the value of working forests, promoting SFI forest certification, and assisting with regulatory issues. Our alliance of deeply committed professionals from across the forestry community builds partnerships with many other conservation organizations who depend on the forest industry to advance their own missions. These relationships allow us to serve with great impact.”
Invasive Species
Penn State Extension
Penn State Extension is a modern educational organization dedicated to delivering science-based information to people, businesses, and communities. We provide access to face-to-face and online education to our customers—when they want it, where they want it, and how they want it—to help them address problems and take advantage of opportunities for improvement and innovation. Partnering with and funded by federal, state, and county governments, we have a long tradition of bringing unbiased support and education to the citizens of Pennsylvania. We make a difference locally through focused engagement, and more widely to customers connecting in the digital landscape.
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Invasive Species Management Plan
“After the creation of the National Invasive Species Council (EO 13112) in 1999, Governor Edward Rendell created the Pennsylvania Invasive Species Council (PA EO 2004-1) in 2006, known as PISC. To provide a framework for efforts to minimize the harmful ecological, economic and human health impacts of invasive species, PISC has created a Pennsylvania Invasive Species Management Plan for the Commonwealth. This dynamic document identifies goals and actions critical to protecting our state’s resources, both now and into the future.”
More resources coming soon!